Auto Loans

These loans are for the purpose of purchasing a vehicle such as a car or truck, motorcycles, and RV’s.

  • Complete a Loan Application
  • One month proof of income and a copy of your ID is need for all borrowers
  • Dealership purchases will require a purchase order once the vehicle has been decided upon.
  • Private party sales will require:
    • Private Party Sales (ARIZONA ONLY) or Refinancing A copy of the clean title Contact information for the Seller A copy of the current registration A photo of the odometer A 10-day Pay-off letter from current lender ARIZONA ONLY or if other states, required lien added prior to loan funding

The complete vehicle description is helpful. The year, make, model, trim and mileage. Telling us that the truck is a 2012 Chevy Silverado that is fully loaded won’t allow us to prepare of valuation of the truck. We need to know more. Please be as specific as possible or contact the credit union directly. Copies of the last two pay stubs for all borrowers.

Self-employed borrowers should contact the credit union for further instructions.

Unsecured Loans

Also known as personal loans, these loans are used for things like vacations, Christmas, debt consolidation, furniture, school, etc.

Quick Cash Loans

  • The Loan Applicant must be a current U-Haul Federal Credit Union Member in good standing.
  • The Loan Applicant must be employed with current U-Haul employer for at least 9 months.
  • NON-REFUNDABLE $50 application fee due at the time of submission – Payments can be made over the phone with a Debit or Credit card or mailing a check or money order.
  • No loan application will be accepted until the $50 is received.
  • If you are not a member of the credit union yet, you can submit a membership application to join before you apply for a loan.
  • Complete a Quick Cash Loan Application


Ways to Send Us Information

Not a Member?

Become a U-Haul Federal Credit Union member.

Existing Member

Register your credit union account now.

Infographic detailing the end of summer savings